Understanding Why Readings Sometimes Go Wrong
When a mediumship reading goes awry, it usually has to do with clients (often prompted by well-intentioned friends or loved ones) coming for a reading too soon after a loss and not being emotionally ready. Not long after I began reading professionally, I met with a very brave young woman who had lost her brother less than a month before. She was like a second mother to him and still in the most profound stages of grief. Her loving grandmother came through first and did a wonderful job paving the way for her brother, who was nervous about the raw feelings she still had about the manner of his death. Despite the many validations provided by both her grandmother and brother, by the end of the reading it was clear to me that she had come too soon, so I encouraged her to come back in a couple of months (free of charge) in order to give them both time to settle into their new realities. She followed up on my suggestion, had a wonderful reunion with her brother two and a half months later, and brought her mother for a reading shortly after that. In the end these experiences were very healing for them and very educational for me. I learned an invaluable lesson about the importance of timing. If you are at all concerned that you may be in the same situation, please return to the FAQ page of my website and read the response under "How soon is too soon?" before you decide to schedule a mediumship reading. Please note that this can also be the case if you sign up for a reading too soon after a painful breakup. The grief that follows the end of a romantic relationship can be just as disruptive to your energy - and to a reading- as the loss of a loved one who has passed away.
Before each and every reading, I spend a minimum of 15-30 minutes meditating or tuning in to get a mini preview of what is to come. If I am preparing for a mediumship reading, I am usually introduced to at least one of the visitors who will be showing up from the Other Side during this preview. If someone has scheduled a general psychic reading, I am shown what issue(s) have prompted the client to seek my guidance. If I receive absolutely nothing in advance, it's a good indication that something is majorly off with our connection. In other words, for whatever reason, I am unable to connect with and read your energy. This has only occurred once thus far in my career, and I immediately reached out to explain, apologize, and cancel the reading to avoid wasting the client's time and money.
The number one reason why a reading goes wrong is that a client comes in with a very fixed idea of what they want to hear and then completely shuts down when they don't get the answer they were seeking. This has happened twice and, coincidentally (or not), both times it involved readings which focused on toxic relationships. Each of the clients booked general psychic readings hoping to hear that they were wrong about a love interest who hadn't been treating them with the love and respect that we all deserve. Their own intuition had obviously told them that something was amiss or they wouldn't have contacted me in the first place, however, when I gently told them what they didn't want -or perhaps weren't ready- to hear, a brick wall went up and they were no longer open to hearing anything that I had to say. It didn't matter that I had pinpointed the issue at the beginning the reading and given them plenty of validation (accurate details about their lives and, in one case, even the names of all of the people involved), once they heard that the person who had emotionally mistreated them was not their ideal partner, let alone their soulmate, there was no turning back. One of them was also in the early grieving stages after a breakup, which can be a recipe for disaster (as I explained above). I reached this impasse about halfway through both of the readings, at which point I stopped receiving guidance from Above (apparently the Spirit World knows when to give up as well), we agreed to end the session, and I wished them well and refunded their money. I had no hard feelings towards either of these clients because I consider every “failure” a learning experience. I do, however, cringe a bit now when I hear the chorus of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance over and over in my head before a reading begins... because I know exactly what the subject will be and what obstacles I may be facing. I have empathy for anyone in a less than stellar relationship. I know firsthand how difficult it can be to face the truth when it comes to love, no matter what your own gut, your friends, your family, or even a psychic may tell you. I can also assure you that not every reading involving romance is a waste of time. The subject comes up regularly, and many clients -even those who may not initially be thrilled about whatever truth I am shown- are not only satisfied, but often reach out at a later date to thank me for the advice, and to let me know that they are much better off since following it. I share this as a cautionary tale for those considering booking a reading focused solely on a rocky relationship. If something tells you that things are not as they should be, own those feelings, trust your intuition, and make the necessary life changes rather than wasting your time on the relationship, or your money getting someone else's opinion about it.
Your experience during any reading with a psychic medium largely depends upon reality meeting your expectations. Understanding how Spirit communicates through me and the process behind each reading is key, which is why I encourage every client to visit the What to Expect page of my website, particularly those who have never been to a psychic medium. I have written What to Expect posts for every reading that I offer to better prepare you before we meet. Links to these posts can also be found under each service on the Services and Rates page.
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