To Tell the Truth: What Your Sun Sign Reveals About Honesty & Trustworthiness
Here’s a rundown on which signs are most likely to tell the truth and keep your secrets under lock and key. Can your sun sign handle the truth? Read on and find out. Aries: Count on this sign to tell you the truth, and to physically ram it down your throat if need be (pun intended). Aries are self-proclaimed arbiters of truth and justice, but are not above fibbing in the name of self-preservation like the rest of us ( This old thing ? I bought it two years ago!?). Taurus: Will lie to make you feel better (they wouldn’t dream of telling you your butt looks big in those skinny jeans). The down side? There’s a good chance they’ll keep any unflattering details about themselves under wraps as well. Cancer: If you tell a secret to a crab, the odds are in your favor that it will stay hidden, mainly because of their inborn traits and habits. A homebody + a super small circle of friends = very little opportunity to spill the beans. Gemini: The twins...