Group Mediumship Readings: What to Expect

I love group readings for many reasons, but it is important to understand how they work in order to align everyone’s expectations with reality. If you are a little sketched out by the whole idea of talking to dead people, want to see what it’s all about before investing more time (& money) into a private reading, or are just someone who prefers to share new experiences with friends, a group reading is probably for you. If, however, you want to be absolutely sure that you receive a message from the Spirit World and will be terribly disappointed if you do not, please skip the group and book a private reading. My process and communication with Spirit works the same way during private and group readings, but there are some important differences that everyone should be aware of before choosing a group reading over a private one.

To begin with, I read everyone together at the same time and go wherever Spirit leads me, so there is no guarantee that everyone at a group reading will receive a message... and the more people present, the greater the chance that someone will not. Six people at a 90 minute reading does not mean each person gets a 15-minute message. This is why I try to stick to six or fewer at small group readings. This is also why, as the host or hostess, I ask you to have everyone there and ready to roll before I arrive. If everyone gets there 10-15 minutes ahead and you’re not sure what to do while you wait, have them read (or re-read) this blog post, or the one on what to expect at a Mediumship Reading so that they are somewhat prepared.

Secondly, please understand that I have no control over who comes through, nor how long they "have the floor". Though a soul’s intentions may change in the Spirit World, their personality does not. This means that even when I try to move things along, a more strong-willed (aka pushy) Spirit will often chime back in during other messages. The good news is that the more extroverted, dominant personalities also tend to be excellent communicators and often help the more quiet, “wallflowers” get their messages across! Here's an example of a group reading dynamic from a gathering that began with a mother named Angela, whose daughter did not know the hostess, but had been invited by a mutual friend. First out of the gate, Angela was a spitfire and found no shortage of things and people to bring up (including one friend of her granddaughter whom, she was quick to point out, no one particularly cared for. Lol.) This was followed by a loving message of gratitude from the mother of yet another guest who did not know the hostess, but had been invited by the same lovely mutual friend. We also heard from a remorseful brother and several family members who had been visiting one group member when she was awake, as well as in her dreams. In between each of these messages, Angela piped in with tidbits that she had apparently forgotten to bring up earlier, including a laundry list of the classic toys she had bought for her grandchildren over the years. About three quarters of the way through, it got to be like a scene from Ferris Bueller where I would see or hear something, only to be met with blank stares when I asked who it was for (insert Ben Stein’s famous teacher line, “Anyone…? Anyone…?”), followed by an apologetic, “Um, sorry, that’s my mom again…”, from Angela’s daughter. The thoughtful friend of the hostess who brought her two friends along never received a message herself (although, strangely, someone in the Spirit World did randomly pipe up with her last name at one point), and the evening ended with -yep, you guessed it!- Angela, who wanted her son to know that she couldn't care less that her husband had moved on and remarried.

Whether you receive a message or not during a group reading, please remember that everything happens for a reason and that if you do not, it does not mean that your loved ones in the Spirit World have forsaken you or blown you off in any way, shape or form.  It is more likely that someone truly needed that extra validation or the long-winded apology that came through, or that your Spirit fam (or you) might be more comfortable giving (or receiving) a message in a more private setting... or that there was an Angela in the house! ;) Finally, if you end up being the person who invited two friends to tag along to another friend’s group and they both wind up getting messages but you don’t, please know that the Universe arranged for them to be there... and that it was because of your friendship and generosity that they were able to receive this much-needed gift. Spirit thanks you for your kindness and understanding, as do I!

One final bit of advice: although I refer to group readings as Spirit Parties and they are meant to be fun, it's a good idea to keep the alcohol to a minimum, at least during the tailgate or any pre-game activities. One cocktail might loosen up or relax the nervous nellies a bit, but anything more can impair your ability to pick up on or fully appreciate the messages that Spirit is sending your way. To better understand this warning, read my blog post "Spirits and Spirits Don't Mix".


To learn more about how the Spirit World works, read my book Madame Medium: Unleash Your Inner Psychic with a French Teacher Turned Psychic Medium, available on

For more information on services & rates, or to book a reading, visit my website:

Before becoming a professional psychic medium, Beth taught high school French, Spanish, Italian and ESOL. In addition to conducting mediumship and general psychic readings across the country and abroad, she is also conducts paranormal investigations and offers psychic development mentoring for adults and children. Her book,
Madame Medium: Unleash Your Inner Psychic with a French Teacher Turned Psychic Medium , was written to help others uncover and hone their own intuitive abilities. Beth lives just outside of Baltimore, Maryland, with her husband, Scott, their dog, Waffle, and their resident house spirit.

To learn more about Beth, her book, and the other services that she offers, visit


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